
My name is Erik Snell and I am the owner and sole employee of EMS Designs, LLC. Saying this is a small family business is an understatement. Thank goodness for my family as they have served as my third and fourth hands more than once. When I started, in 2022, my goal was to give to provide a business that would allow me to keep designing and building furniture long after I retire from the corporate world. I enjoy every aspect of this craft and I hope to continue to learn as I expand my skill sets to help bring your ideas to life.

I started woodworking at a young age. I remember visiting my great-grandfather’s woodshop in Denmark. You couldn’t get me to leave and when I went missing my parents knew right where to find me. From there I built my workbench and shop in the basement of our family house. I was always drawn to figuring out how things worked and wondering if I too could build that. As I got older woodworking took a backseat to education, career, and family. The desire to build, however, came back in full force with the purchase of our first house. Once again, the feeling of “I can build that” came up over and over.

I now look to woodworking and woodturning as an expression of my creativity outside of my corporate computer job. I never seem satisfied with my skill set so I’m constantly experimenting and trying new techniques. I’m totally happy creating simple spinning tops and complex furniture.

With the completion of my new shop detached from our house, I’m excited to take my hobby to the next level. I’m excited to see how building and creating for others can inspire my abilities in new directions.

Feel free to reach out to discuss custom projects.